If you haven't been to
Maker Works in Ann Arbor yet, this Saturday, May 12 would be a great time. They're hosting a grand opening open house and party from 12 to 4 p.m. Maker Works is an 11,000 square foot member-based studio featuring four concentration areas: metal, circuits, wood and craft. They host classes in each of these areas and on Saturday will be giving demos on the wide variety of tools and equipment they have. This would be a great time to check out the space and get inspired to sign up for the upcoming 9-week workshop series on
Crafting the Small Business.
Crafting the Small Business get down to the nitty gritty of running a small business within the handmade marketplace. The handmade marketplace has emerged as a rapidly growing network of arenas for handmade goods from independent artists and crafters: online marketplaces, individual online stores, indie craft fairs, crafting blogs and independent brick-and-mortar stores.
This workshop series is designed to set beginner and intermediate crafters on the path to financial stability by offering face-to-face time with experts from around southeast Michigan who are well versed in this new handmade marketplace. From craft show organizers and brick-and-mortar store owners to experts at Zingermans and a registered patent attorney, this series is sure to answer questions, inspire those tottering on the cusp of launching their businesses and be a whole heck of a lot of fun.
The sessions take place Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. You can
register for the entire series or individual sessions.
Details on each session and the schedule can be found here. I will be on two of the panels: The first on July 5 dealing with
Pop up Events and Shows and the second on July 19 focusing on the online marketplace. I hope to see you there!