If you haven't seen this project yet, go check it out now! Such fun. It's called Follow the Leader from the Sub-studio design blog. They have provided six different "seed" drawings each with a simple line drawing and you are invited to complete the drawing and submit it to their blog. They will highlight their favorites on the blog and post all submissions. So if you're needing a little inspiration to draw from…
First, I wanted to share my first real tomato of the season. Well, actually, pictured above is the second tomato of the season. I ate the first one all on its own. I forget just how truly delicious they are. Sandwich: squishy white bread, smear of mayo, tomato, s+p. Done. The boy doesn't like tomatoes. A potential deal-breaker if he weren't so darn charming.
Next, I'm over-the-moon ecstatic that my shop was included in this week's Etsy Take Five Tuesday on decor8. I read decor8 religiously and think Holly Becker has created quite a gem of a site. I also discovered some other terrific shops in this post. I just love this blouse from me&oli.That's all for today. I am desperately hoping to get some drawing in and am eagerly awaiting Neko Case tonight in Pontiac… Cheers!
Coco doll by Beeb
I was thrilled to find out that one of the prints I have posted in the exhibition over at Paper-N-Stitch is included in the "Friends Favs" section put together by this month's guest curator: Irene of Bloesem and Bloesem Kids. I have been following the Bloesem blogs for some time now and think that Irene has the most wonderful design sensibilities, so I am especially excited about this curator! There are quite a few gems in her selection, including the Coco doll above that I am in love with, designed by Beeb, so take a peek…
Also, a big thank you to Amy over at Aqua Velvet who wrote up this nice post about some Paper-N-Stitch folk — cheers, Amy!
I don't know if it is because I talk about food all of the time, or if we are just amazingly lucky, but our neighbors seem to be constantly bringing gifts of food to the boy and me. (I am quite sure it is not because we look incredibly undernourished!) Last night we received not one, but two gifts of food from two different neighbors: the gorgeous bowl of cherries and blueberries seen above and delicious homemade kibbeh. This is making me love apartment living.
I went ahead and made a purslane and cucumber salad after my post last week about the purslane. Being a succulent, the leaves are thicker than most greens giving it an incredible texture and it has a delicious, slightly peppery taste. I really enjoyed it and thought you might to:
Purslane and cucumber salad
Combine in a bowl:
3-4 c. purslane, chopped (thick stems removed and discarded)
1 medium cucumber
2 scallions
handful of dried cranberries
1/2 cup yogurt
1 garlic clove, minced
1 Tb olive oil
Handful of mint, chopped
Pinch of ground coriander
Salt and pepper, to taste
Combine ingredients for dressing, pour over salad and toss to coat.